Save our Sheringham - Say NO to Tesco

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tesco lose Appeal

The Planning Inspector has issued her decision on whether to uphold the appeal by Tesco against refusal to allow a superstore to be built in Sheringham.

You can read the full result here - Appeal Decision

The key point is shown below -

"Far from strengthening Sheringham’s retail offer and performing an anchor role the size and location of the proposed food store would be likely to result in significant harm to the health of the centre, for the reasons I have given. I therefore conclude that the proposal would have an unacceptable impact on the retail function, vitality and viability of Sheringham town centre. This would be contrary to development plan policy including saved Policy 84 in the LP. It would also conflict with Policy EC 5 in the emerging CS and PPS 6."

She did not accept that traffic or design were reasons for dismissing the appeal.